Well, we have had our blood work and her counts are good enough to go ahead with Chemo on Thursday. It seems like we just did this!! Her hgb is still low at 8.4 so I would guess that pretty quick she will get transfused..we will see. Tomarrow she has her eye exam which they put her to sleep for and I will update the blog after I know some-thing.
We have really appreciated all of the nice things that others have done and are doing for us they include doing chores for us,putting up hay for us, praying for us, cooking for us, helping us pay for gas for all of our trips up here, working on our addition , the list goes on and on .THANK YOU!!! I haven't had time to send anyone thankyou notes as I had two days home and really wanted to just spend it with my family but I promise I will get caught up!
I will update tomarrow
How to Hide Bags Under the Eyes
8 years ago
Dana, Glad to hear you where able to go home for a few days to be with Mike and the kids. How are Tessa's spirits, she is such a lovely child, I was so impressed with her attitude when we visited in Bryan. All your children are so good! You are in my thoughts and prayers, Love Sh
P, LeAnne say she is also praying for your family and to tell Maddy and Katie hello for her.
thanks Sharon! She is pretty special but then I think they are all :) Today her spirits are good but when Chemo starts it will more than likely go down-hill...
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